Hi there friends,
The weekend went well food-wise. I could've done more with exercise but I've been having a ton of abdominal pain since Friday. As many of you know I was diagnosed with PCOS and that's one of my major motivators for getting healthy and losing weight. During an ultrasound, the doctor said that my left ovary is not completely cystic but I do have some cysts on it and it was slightly dilated. The right one was normal, thank goodness. One of the issues I was having was this horrible stabbing abdominal pain that I would often get without warning. My periods were very irregular, I wouldn't have one for three months and then have one that lasted two months straight; I was all out of whack and feeling awful!
But with losing weight, not only have my periods been regular but I feel better. I don't get the same horrible symptoms that I did prior to losing weight. But for some reason this weekend I've had this stabbing pain right in my abdomen around where my ovary is. It's not constant but when it hits me, it's very sharp pain that takes my breath away. I feel slightly nauseous and my stomach gets upset.But then it'll go away and I can continue on my day. I really hope that nothing is going on with my ladyparts...I've been doing so well and the thought of having a problem really scares me and makes me upset. I called my OBGYN to try and make an appointment but getting in there is hard. He's a really great reproductive endocrineologist that I found by pure chance, going down a list of GYNs that took my health insurance, ahah. But he's been great and I just hope that nothing is going on!
So I've been taking it a little easy with exercise. I didn't slack off completely but if I get too active, the pain gets worse. So...we'll see what he says.
I'm actually looking forward to weigh in this week. I think that I've been doing excellent on my plan and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can kiss the 270s goodbye VERY soon! I was almost there before the storm and my vacations. I am sending out skinny vibes to everyone! Hope you are all having a great start to your week!!
16 Minutes
17 hours ago
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