About Me

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CT, United States
I'm Kate. I'm 25 and a busy nurse journeying through life! I'm restarting my weight loss journey! I started off with Jenny Craig but now I'm doing it on my own with the support of my beautiful bloggy friends!


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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday!

What a yucky day out. I didn't want to leave my bed this morning!! But I need to get on with my day, I know! I had my Jenny Craig appointment and I lost 1.2 pounds! Yipee!! 2.6 to go until I reach 40lbs down and can get my camera for Ireland!

In other news, I am going to have to invest in new pants. I've been making do with the old ones but...I almost lost my pants yesterday. They are SO loose. They are also having a sweater sale at Target and I bought a couple online that I will hopefully be wearing in Ireland! FINGERS CROSSED! The selection at my local Target isn't that good for clothes, so usually I order online and have much better luck. I also hate trying on clothes...so...I'm hoping as I keep losing weight, everything will work out.

Today I hit another big milestone. I am officially 1/4 of the way through my weight loss journey! HOORAY!!!!!!! 25% of my weight is gone. I am ecstatic!!! When I first started, I didn't believe in myself. I kept thinking, you'll slip up and gain it all back...forget it, you're just going to be fat forever...

But I CAN do this! I am doing it! Woohoo! I'm hoping before the month is out I'll have another milestone photo and a new camera so you can have better quality milstone photos than my stupid phone, haha!

Hope everyone has a lovely day! It's nasty here but I have some tea, an apple scented candle burning and my electric fireplace going. Ahh, so nice.


  1. Congratulations! I am so happy for you Kate!! You are doing so well, keep working for your goal. You are awesome. YAY for shopping! :)

  2. Congrats on the loss. What kind of camera are you going to get?

  3. Yay!! Our local Target has a poor selection on clothes too. Online usually has stuff cheaper too, so double score.

  4. Yay for the great milestone! Keep up the great work. :)
