About Me

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CT, United States
I'm Kate. I'm 25 and a busy nurse journeying through life! I'm restarting my weight loss journey! I started off with Jenny Craig but now I'm doing it on my own with the support of my beautiful bloggy friends!


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Monday, January 2, 2012

Spring Chick Challenge!

I need a challenge to get my buns moving...because I have been super unmotivated today. I ate a rally great breakfast and headed off to work. But for lunch...I had a leftover piece of cheesecake in the fridge and I ate it. Oh, I charted it on Sparkpeople of course and I factored it into my daily allowance...but that was so many calories that I could've used elsewhere. But with the rest of my choices today, the cheesecake was fine. I'm setting my goals for this week!!

If you want to join Real Chicks Getting Fit click on this name and go do it! I think you have until tomorrow to sign up!!


1) I will not let any one tempt me with leftover holiday goodies.
2) I will take time to read a magazine cover to cover without any interruptions.
3) I will take down all of the Christmas and Hannukah decorations and put them away.


1) I will exercise for at least 20 minutes each day.
2) I will work up the courage to try the 30 Day Shred


1) I will track my calories religiously on Sparkpeople.Com EVERY DAY!
2) I will drink at least 80oz (10 glasses) of water EVERY DAY!
3) I will do at least 2 meals on my own on my Jenny Craig program.

I can do it! Watch me soar!


  1. Great goals! Glad you've joined the challenge, we're a great group of people by now :)

  2. Stopping in from the challenge as well! Looking forward to keeping up with how your progress goes! I also love you NSV :)

  3. Great goals. Especially the reading a magazine. I have so many I need to just get/make time to read. Im ready to rock this challenge. And so are you!

  4. Fantastic goals Kate!!! Welcome to the challenge, wishing you lots of luck for this week. 2012 is your year :)

  5. I found that if I plan for 20 minutes of exercise, it usually turns into more. I wish the same for you. Great job on tracking your calories religiously!

  6. Yes you can do it!! Great goals Kate!

  7. Thanks for stopping by Colie's Kitchen!!! BTW I got the 30 day shed for Christmas and haven't had the courage to try it either!!

  8. Your progress is a really big inspiration! I am so glad that we are doing this Spring Chick Challenge!

  9. Can't wait to celebrate your success with you!

  10. You can do it!!
    How do you like Jenny Craig? My cousin works for them and has offered me the opportunity to get involved. I'm a fussy eater though so not sure about the food. Let me know what you think of it!

  11. Lots of luck on the new year. You have gotten off to a good start. Thanks for stopping by. Catch ya later.

  12. Do you have an NSV that is like an item of clothing or something? That is a very motivating goal for anyone! something to look a little sexy in, perhaps? :) Best wishes, Happy New Year!
