Party: Not such a success. I invited a bunch of people over and many RSVP'd maybe or yes on Facebook but others texted me and said they could come. Well last minute I got a bunch of texts and messages saying that people weren't coming. Now, I won't say I slaved over this party...but I made a huge fresh fruit salad, I cut up veggies, I made onion dip with fat free sour cream instead of buying it prepackaged, bought fat free lays potato chips, had hummus and low calorie pretzels, and I made crystal light lemonade...I also did a big housewife workout getting the house in tip top shape. Only to find out that only one person was coming and another person "might" stop by after work.
So then I was all alone with all this food and I'll admit...I ate some. I was feeling a little upset and eating to comfort is one of my biggest downfalls. I managed to stop myself after stealing a few potato chips and munching on some cucumber with dip. I stopped myself and went to sit down with some lemonade and from there it was great. When my friend came I just had some fruit salad and a bit more veggies with dip. I know I went a little off plan but it really wasn't that bad. I also sent ALL of the leftovers home with my friend. She's thin as a rail...and she said she didn't even know that anything was low fat/low cal. She enjoyed everything! AND I got rid of the leftovers!
Tonight was a really good experience for me because I did catch myself stress/comfort eating. I had already eaten my JC dinner too (Sesame chicken!) and I wasn't even HUNGRY! I just...wanted to do SOMETHING and food was available. I won't make that mistake next time. I also won't have a whole bunch of snacks for people I think are coming! Yikes!
Tomorrow is another busy day...but my Friday looks amazing :D Very light day so, fingers crossed, it will stay that way! I am on the weekend but so far it looks pretty light. I could use the break! And my dad might come help me put up the rods and the curtains...maybe.
Goodnight to all my wonderful blog readers. Thank you so much for your support, it really means everything to me. I couldn't get through this without you!
Chicken Lo Mein
6 hours ago
I hate when people RSVP yes then don't show...irks me to no end...good job on avoiding temptation
ReplyDeleteThat situation as happened to me ALOT! It sucks...but you power through it. Today is a new day! :)